You’ll Love These Tea Drinks A Latte

Woman pouring frothed milk into espresso while making a latte

For those who love sipping on a hot tea or enjoy a frothy latte from time to time, you can get the best of both worlds. A tea latte combines tea and frothed or steamed milk. The nice thing is you can use any tea flavor or variety you wish. Plus, you can drink it until your heart’s content, including both iced and hot options. You don’t even need to find a nearby café or restaurant that serves this delicious beverage. With a few steps, you can easily make your own and impress family and friends.

Gather the Ingredients

It doesn’t take much to create a yummy tea latte. Only a few ingredients are required, and you may even have these on hand. Start with loose tea or tea sachets of any kind. Just go with your favorite; you can try new flavors too. One-third cup of milk and ¾ cup of water is also essential. Pick a sweetener of your choice – honey, brown sugar, or sugar – though this is totally up to you whether you want to include it or not. Also, don’t forget to grab a milk frother, as well, whether you want a simple handheld or high-tech machine.

Make Your Tea

This part shouldn’t be a problem for you, especially if tea is your go-to beverage. Start by placing the water in a kettle and bringing it to a boil on the stove. It’s best to used filtered water, though this isn’t essential. Put the tea into the hot water, stirring the tea leaves, and next, add in the sweetener.

Froth That Milk

Frothing milk can be a challenge, but if you have an electric milk frother, your job will be much easier. This device will both heat up the milk and froth it simultaneously. If you don’t happen to have a milk frother, a French press will also work.

Put the Drink Together

Once you’re at this point, it’s time to assemble your beverage and enjoy it. Grab a trusty teacup and pour in the desired amount of tea. Top it off with the frothed milk, and you’re all set. You can make enough for just yourself or save enough for a couple of guests.

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Try These Options

There is no shortage of possibilities when it comes to tea latte choices. Some favorites include a matcha latte, which is a green tea latte, as well as a chai latte, which includes some tantalizing spices. Other popular ones are chamomile tea latte, rooibos latte, and easy ice brown sugar tea latte.

The next time you have a hankering for a tea latte, you can stay in and make your own creation. It only requires a few steps and ingredients. In a matter of minutes, you can put together a homemade beverage you’ll want to make over and over again.

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