It can be easy to fall into a rut of eating unhealthy food, especially when you are working hard daily. Once you take a break from work, you may want to indulge in something that’s not going to fuel your body as well as some fruits and vegetables could. However,... [read more]
If you have little kids, then you might see them spending a lot of time watching PBS shows. They’re informative, educational, and fun for the little ones. But if they love Daniel Tiger most, you’re definitely going to want to make plans to see Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Live. This might... [read more]
America is filled with people who come from various cultures and backgrounds – that’s what makes our country so incredible! Our diversity has always been an asset to all parts of living in America. From jobs to food and everything in-between, having a conglomerate of cultures in the same place... [read more]
We all know the story of Romeo and Juliet. Most of us were taught the tale of love and heartbreak in high school, maybe even middle school. Shakespeare was ahead of the times and knew how to write and create memorable masterpieces, which is why his plays have stood the... [read more]
When it comes to music, we each have a favorite band or song. It’s simply inevitable. With music crossing generation to generation, there are countless artists that both you and your children might enjoy. After all, music lasts forever and certain songs will always stand out among the rest. Whether... [read more]
2020 is a special year. Not only does it bring us into a new decade, but it also provides us with a chance to start new – to start fresh! This year, why not make the most of it and learn a new skill that you can teach yourself, and... [read more]
If you spend any amount of time on the internet, then you’ve probably realized that thrifting and upcycled fashion is all the rage right now. And it makes sense. Purchasing new clothes contributes to clothing waste, which is terrible for the environment. On top of that, it’s just cheaper to... [read more]
Do you remember what you did over the past few New Year’s Eve? If you didn’t have as much fun as you could have, then you may want to make a change for this year’s celebration. Why not go all out and have a blast with all of your friends?... [read more]
Have your kids told Santa what they want for Christmas this year? If they have yet to disclose their wish lists, then you’re going to want to take them out to Maggiano’s San Antonio to have breakfast with Santa. Not only will they get to meet with the big guy,... [read more]
If you’ve ever been to San Antonio’s Natural Bridge Caverns before, then you already know it’s a pretty remarkable place to get the chance to explore nature. But did you know that it’s also a fun spot to celebrate Christmas as well? That’s right – Christmas at the Caverns is... [read more]