There’s nothing wrong with snuggling up before a roaring fire in the wintertime to get warm. However, there’s another option that’ll benefit both your body and your mind. Instead of bundling up to the gym, you can work out at home or participate in activities outside the house. Either way,... [read more]
Because of daylight savings time, the sun doesn’t shine as long in the winter as it does in the summer. In some parts of the country, the sun sets as early as 5:45. It’s easy to understand why so many people struggle with early darkness. However, there are still a... [read more]
With winter comes cold temperatures. For most people, that means feeling chilly on both the inside and the outside. To combat the weather on the outside, you’ll need to bundle up. However, nothing works as well as a bowl of hot soup for the inside of your body. Here are... [read more]
During winter, you want to stay inside. However, that’s not possible with work, school, errands, and other responsibilities. And, if you don’t park in a garage, that means sliding into a cold car. This year, find out how you can keep your vehicle toasty. If the heater doesn’t blow warm... [read more]
It’s here again, the time of the year to make your New Year’s resolutions. However, since you’ve struggled to keep them, this year you can succeed. Simply check out this list of ideas and then choose one to three you feel the most compassionate about.
Switch Careers
Perhaps you like your job,... [read more]
Every year, you make the same food for Christmas dinner. Sure, the dishes you serve are delicious. However, you want to do something different this year. Besides, you want to make an impression this year. So, consider any of the options listed below. Not only do they taste amazing, but... [read more]
Whether you’ve never tried South Texas cuisine or it’s your favorite, you’re in for a treat. That’s because Domingo restaurant in San Antonio serves some of the most incredible menu items in the state. However, there are many other things to enjoy while dining at this establishment.
Unbelievable Service and Ambience
A... [read more]
You might do a great job in getting the oil changed as recommended by the automaker. You may even have a technician check the filters and fluids. However, it’s just as important to get the tires rotated. Not only will you enjoy a smoother ride but also enhanced safety on... [read more]
There’s something almost magical about dating in the fall. After all, this is when temperatures begin to drop. Not only does that make spending time outdoors more enjoyable, but it also gives you the chance to get cozy. If you want to make an impression on someone special, here are... [read more]
If you’re hosting Thanksgiving dinner, you’ve probably had a lot of people offer advice, including what to serve. However, you’ll never go wrong with these three favorites. Because you’ll have no problem finding ham and turkey recipes, these suggestions focus on other dishes.
Make Ahead Gravy
Time is always a challenge when... [read more]